Fluent BCMath

A fluent interface for the PHP BCMath extension

Write more readable code, while maintaining the performance of the BCMath extension

use Illegal\FluentBCMath\BCNumber;
$num = new BCNumber('1.23', 2);



How to contribute

Feel free to visit the project's GitHub page to engage with the developer community and contribute to the ongoing development of Fluent BCMath.

By utilizing the issues section, you can propose enhancements, report bugs, or share your thoughts on the package's functionality. This collaborative environment helps drive the package's growth and ensures it continues to meet the needs of its users.

In addition to participating in discussions, you can also fork the repository and submit pull requests to introduce new features or fix existing issues. By actively contributing to the project, you play a crucial role in refining Fluent BCMath and helping it evolve to better serve the PHP development community. Your feedback and involvement are highly valued and contribute to the overall success of the package.

Fluent BCMath is a project by illegal studio